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Case Study: Posterior Column Osteotomies

Female patient in her early 20s with a long history of scoliosis. Her symptoms were initially very mild, but she developed severe paralumbar pain when ambulating and worse when sitting for long periods time. Her symptoms progressed over time and caused a deterioration in her daily living activities.

Her pre-operative imaging shows a 43-degree curve, as well as significant scoliotic deformity in the thoracolumbar spine with significant rotatory component at the L1-2, L2-3, and L3-4 level with significant lateral recess stenosis at the L4-L5 level.

We performed T8-L3 posterior column osteotomies with the Mesa system – dual rod differential with rail rod on the concavity and round rod on convexity- utilizing the strength of the rail rods for the re-rotation. By doing so, we limited the levels of fusion due to the ability of the rail rod to de-rotate the spine.

Post operatively, the patient has healed very well and was able to return to the full functions of her daily living/work. 

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