(833) 666-6066Locations in West Islip, Holbrook, Huntington, and East Hills
(833) 666-6066Locations in West Islip, Holbrook, Huntington, and East Hills
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Long Island Residents
Top Neurosurgeon
Board-Certified Spine Specialist
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Background Dr. Salvatore Zavarella is a distinguished board-certified Long Island neurosurgeon with over 15 years of experience. He practices at NeuroCare Long Island, a leading neurological center under the umbrella of Northwell Health. Dr. Zavarella specializes in complex spinal surgeries, minimally invasive neurosurgical techniques, and the treatment of brain tumors. He is renowned for his patient-centric approach, combining advanced medical...
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Background Dr. Salvatore Zavarella is a distinguished board-certified Long Island neurosurgeon. He practices at NeuroCare Long Island, a leading neurological center under the umbrella of Northwell Health. Dr. Zavarella specializes in complex spinal surgeries, minimally invasive neurosurgical techniques, and the treatment of brain tumors. He is renowned for his patient-centric approach, combining advanced medical knowledge with compassionate care. The...
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Patient in their early 60s suffering from a progressive musculoskeletal disorder with chin-on-chest deformity and severe kyphosis at C2-T2 and degenerative disc disease with disc herniations and severe spinal cord compression at C3-C7.Patient has been unable to eat and/or ambulate due to the fact that their chin has been fixed to their anterior chest.The patient...
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Patient in their late 60s with progressive paracervical pain, bilateral upper extremity radiculopathy and progressive sequence of myelopathy. The patient had a previous C3-C7 cervical laminectomy decompression with instrumentation and fusion. They developed screw pullout and pseudo-arthrosis from C3-C7 as well as severe spinal stenosis at the C2, C3, and C4 levels. The patient failed...
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Patient in their late 50s presenting with progressive bilateral lower extremity numbness, tingling, weakness, paralumbar pain. Patient had decreased ambulatory capacity. Imaging was performed and revealed severe spinal stenosis from L2 to S1 with bilateral central foraminal compromise with broad based disc herniations and significant lumbopelvic mismatch of greater than 25 degrees with sagittal plane...
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Patient in his early 50s who was involved in a car accident and developed a large disc herniation at the T11-12 level. The disc was evaluated and it appeared to be slightly calcified with severe compression of the thoracic spinal cord. The patient developed significant myelopathy in his lower extremities with hyperreflexia, clonus* and no...
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Patient in his early 30s presented with progressive left anterior thigh dysesthetic nerve pain and hip flexion weakness. Imaging was performed and revealed a very large psoas* mass on the left side extending caudally from the L3 nerve root down to the level of the L4 neural foramina. Patient underwent contrast imaging that identified a...
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Patient in his 50s who presented with severe dysesthetic left upper extremity radiculopathy as well as nerve pain and paresis of the left upper extremity. Imaging revealed an intradural intramedullary spinal cord tumor likely consistent with a cavernoma* occupying the entirety of the left hemicord at the level of C5-C6. Given the location and severe...
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Female patient in her 60s with progressive bilateral lower extremity radiculopathy to the top of her thighs. She underwent extensive multimodal conservative therapy over four to six months including physical therapy and injections. She had deterioration of all of her activities of daily living and gastro-intestinal functions. Imaging was performed and revealed severe spinal stenosis...
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Male patient in his mid-60s who had previously undergone an L4-S1 fusion by a different surgeon.Since that time he has had severe paralumbar pain that has been progressively getting worse. He has undergone extensive multimodal conservative therapy, including physical therapy, pain management and spinal cord stimulator*, that showed no improvement and only worsening of his...
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